Flaxseed oil

Updated on 25. Jun. 2020

Some consider flaxseed oil an elixir of life. Indeed, modern research shows the yellow oil from linseed can have beneficial effects on health — and it also tastes great!

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Flaxseed Oil...

  • ...supplies valuable fatty acids.
    Flaxseed oil contains more alpha-linolenic acid than almost any other vegetable oil. Depending on the origin of the plant, cold-pressed flaxseed oil contains up to 70 percent of this triple-unsaturated omega-3 fatty acid and even surpasses rapeseed oil (about 9 percent) or salmon (about 4 percent).
  • ...protects the heart.
    Alpha-linolenic acid can promote blood clotting and dilate the blood vessels. It thereby regulates blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and has a preventive effect against thrombosis, heart attack and stroke.
  • ...strengthens the brain.
    With its high content of alpha-linolenic acid and other omega-3 fatty acids, flaxseed oil has been proven to strengthen the ability to think and concentrate.
  • ...may help prevent cancer.
    Studies have shown the alpha-linolenic acid from flaxseed oil is built into the cell membranes and is partially converted there to other important omega-3 fatty acids. Flaxseed oil thus has an anti-inflammatory effect and protects the body's cells against harmful free radicals — this can have a preventive effect toward cancer, among other things.
  • ..is best cold pressed.
    Flaxseed oil is also available in refined form, but the major health benefits are provided by cold-pressed, natural flaxseed oil. It is immediately recognizable for its rich dark yellow color and thick consistency.
  • ...has a happiness effect.
    If you are prone to low moods, you should consume flaxseed oil more often. Studies have shown its fatty acids provide pleasant feelings and can even alleviate depression or anxiety.
  • ...doesn't appeal to everyone.
    Cold-pressed flaxseed oil has a slightly bitter and somewhat straw-like taste. You can mix flaxseed oil with a neutral variety, such as cold-pressed rapeseed oil, to make it taste better..
  • ...should not be heated.
    laxseed oil loses most of its health benefits when it's heated. Therefore, you should only use it for salads and other cold dishes, or add it to warm dishes just before eating.

What You Should Know About Flaxseed Oil

Flaxseed oil looks like liquid gold, flows thickly from a spoon and tastes nutty and hearty. Maybe the most famous dish made with flaxseed oil is jacket potatoes with curd, which is refined by the golden yellow fat obtained from flaxseed. In Germany, this is a traditional dish. 


The flax plant originated in Egypt, Syria, Eastern Turkey and Iran. Today, the main areas of cultivation are in Canada, the U.S., Argentina, India and China.


Not everyone likes the typical nutty and somewhat hay-like taste of flaxseed oil. You can mix flaxseed oil with a neutral tasting oil to lessen the taste.

How Healthy Is Flaxseed Oil?

When it comes to good and healthy fat, flaxseed oil is at the top because it contains more unsaturated omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid than almost any other vegetable oil. This is important because numerous scientific studies confirm that alpha-linolenic acid can inhibit inflammation, promote blood clotting and dilate blood vessels. It regulates blood pressure  and thus has a preventive effect against thromboses, heart attacks and strokes. Researchers also found alpha-linolenic acid from flaxseed oil is incorporated into the cell membranes and is partially converted to other important omega-3 fatty acids.

Many nutritional physicians are also of the opinion that the fatty acid can have a preventive effect against cancer. Flaxseed oil is also said to be good for the soul: Several studies suggest flaxseed oil can alleviate mental illnesses such as depression or anxiety. Not getting enough omega-3 fatty acids can not only impair the ability to think, but it can also lead to behavioral changes and even to a lack of feelings and emotions.

Nutritional values of flaxseed oil per 100 grams  
Calories 884
Protein 0 grams
Fat 99.8 grams
Carbohydrates 0 grams
Fibers 0 grams

Shopping and Kitchen Tips


You should buy cold-pressed flaxseed oil, which is obtained from the ripe flaxseeds. Always buy in small quantities as flaxseed oil spoils quickly and only tastes good when fresh. Also make sure to buy flaxseed oil in small and dark bottles, which has been pressed without air and is unfiltered.


The high content of alpha-linolenic acid in flaxseed oil makes it valuable and healthy, but it also unfortunately causes it to oxidise particularly quickly. Flaxseed oil therefore quickly becomes rancid when it comes into contact with light and air. In addition, a peptide is easily formed, which gives the oil a bitter aftertaste. Therefore, keep flaxseed oil as short as possible and store it in a dark and cool place, preferably in the refrigerator, as it will keep for about two months.

You can also free it at -13 degrees F so the flaxseed oil keeps for about half a year. As soon as it smells fishy or rancid, flaxseed oil should no longer be used. But even then it is still too good to throw away. You can still use it to care for wood. Flaxseed oil a quick-drying oil because under the influence of atmospheric oxygen it forms a firm film that can protect the wood.

What To Make With Flaxseed Oil

Try the classic jacket potatoes with curd cheese and flaxseed oil because it not only tastes delicious but is also particularly healthy due to the flaxseed oil combination with vegetable protein. If you like the taste of flaxseed oil, you can also consume it pure or mixed with neutral vegetable oil for salad dressings or a pesto. You should never heat the healthy fats, so it is not suitable for frying and cooking. Refining ready-cooked dishes, such as soups or vegetables, with 1 to 2 teaspoons of flaxseed oil is no problem and gives even simple dishes that something extra.


Does flaxseed oil aid digestion?

The swelling and mucilage substances that give flaxseed its digestive properties are also contained in flaxseed oil. So, 1 teaspoon a day before breakfast can work wonders for your digestion.

Does flaxseed oil damage the liver?

No! The omega-3 fatty acids contained in flaxseed oil have an anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effect. Therefore, 1 teaspoon of flaxseed oil per day can have a positive effect on the organ, for example in the case of fatty liver.

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