
By Holly Bieler
Updated on 26. Jul. 2020

Even if you don't generally like fish, trout is definitely worth a try. This nutritious fish has a mild, less fish-y flavor that goes great in a variety of dishes.

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  • heart-healthy.
    The abundant omega-3 fatty acids in trout can protect against vasoconstriction and high cholesterol levels.
  • packed with protein.
    At nearly 20 percent protein per 100 grams, trout is a fantastic source of lean protein.
  • a good source of B vitamins.
    Trout contains several B group vitamins, which help support brain, nerve and metabolism function. Trout is particularly high in niacin, a B vitamin which helps regulate the build-up and breakdown of carbohydrates, amino acids and fatty acids in the body.
  • ...can help keep you slim.
    Trout is low in calories and fat, while its high content of omega-3 fatty acids can help the body burn fat.
  • a brain food.
    Several studies have shown that the omega-3 fatty acids in trout improve thinking and concentration as well as memory.
  • ...shouldn't be consumed if you suffer from gout.
    Trout is high in uric acid, which can exacerbate the symptoms of gout.

What You Should Know About Trout

There's often confusion about whether trout is a salt or fresh water fish. The answer is both. The small and particularly fine brown trout, as its name suggests, live predominantly in streams, ponds and other fresh water bodies of water. Its big sister, the rainbow trout, is mainly found in the ocean.

However modern fishing practices mean that most trout at the store is bred in freshwater ponds and breeding tanks. 

All types of trout are available both fresh and smoked.


Trout can be found in nature throughout North America, northern Asia and Europe.


There is no special season for trout.


Trout has a mild, subtle taste and doesn't taste fish-y.

Our Favorite Trout Recipes

Find all our recipes with trout here.

How Healthy is Trout?

Trout is extremely healthy. Like most fish, trout has an extremely favorable fat composition, with around 70 percent consisting of heart-healthy polyunsaturated fatty acids, including the much sought-after omega-3 fatty acids. These fats protect the vascular system and can can help ward against high cholesterol levels.

Trout also contains considerable amounts of minerals, especially phosphorus and iron, as well as B vitamins.

Calories 103
Protein 19.5 g
Fat 2.7 g
Carbohydrates 0 g
Fiber 0 g

Shopping and Cooking Tips


Whether you're buying rainbow, brown or salmon trout, always look out for a pleasent smell, firm skin with tight scales, and clear eyes. The gills should look light red to brown-red and moist, and the flesh must be firm and yield only slightly under pressure.


As with all fresh fish, trout should be put cooked or put in the refrigerator immediately after purchasing. In the refrigerator, fresh trout should stay fresh for up to two days.  Smoked trout lasts a little longer, but once it's been taken out of its vacuum packaging should be eaten within three to four days.  


Before preparing, trout should be rinsed briefly under running water inside and out and dabbed dry thoroughly with a towel.

What to Make With Trout

Trout's mild flavor makes it a great base for classic dishes like fish sticks, though it holds up well piled on with spices in dishes like this Szechuan trout.

However the most popular trout recipes take advantage of its delicious flavor with simple cooking and spice preparations, such as this classic Blue Trout recipe.

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