
By Holly Bieler
Updated on 24. Oct. 2022

With their acidic-sweet flavor, high vitamin C content and long harvest period, oranges have become one of the most popular fruits in the U.S.

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  • healthy vision.
    The provitamin A and red plant dyes in oranges strengthen vision and also help make skin beautiful. Blood oranges are particularly beneficial because they contain the most healthy plant dyes.
  • ...are good for dieters.
    Oranges contain virtually no fat and have only 42 calories per 100 gram serving.
  • ...strengthen the immune system.
    Depending on the variety, 100 grams of oranges contain up to 80 milligrams of immune-system boosting vitamin C.
  • ...protect us from disease.
    Their high content of carotenoids (provitamin A) and flavonoids (plant dyes) makes oranges especially healthy. These antioxidants protect us from cell damage, cardiovascular disease and can even help reduce the risk of cancer.
  • ...are extra healthy in juice form.
    Their high content of carotenoids (provitamin A) and flavonoids (plant dyes) makes oranges especially healthy. These antioxidants protect us from cell damage and cardiovascular diseases and can even reduce the risk of cancer.
  • ...aren't for everyone.
    Those who have a sensitive stomach or get heartburn often should enjoy oranges in moderation because of their relatively high acidity.
  • ...can interact badly with certain medications.
    If you’re on beta blocker medication, it’s best not to eat oranges too often, as the mixture can lead to dangerously high levels of potassium in the blood.

What You Should Know About Oranges

With their delicious acidic-sweet flavor and high dose of various nutrients such as vitamin C, oranges have long been one of the most popular and common fruits in the U.S.


Orange trees have been growing in China as far back as 3000 years ago, but today are grown in warm countries all over the world.  


Orange season for naval oranges, perhaps the most popular variety in the United States, runs from November to April. Blood oranges are in season from December through May.


Ripe oranges have a particularly well-balanced ratio of fruit acidity and sweetness. 


No wonder that even experts easily lose track of oranges: there are more than 400 different varieties, some of which differ considerably in shape, color, taste, and juice content. However, they all share a special characteristic with their yellow cousins, the lemons: orange trees bear beguilingly fragrant blossoms and both ripe and unripe fruits at the same time. They can therefore be harvested several times a year.

Our Favorite Recipes With Oranges

Find some of our favorite recipes with Oranges and Blood Oranges here.

How Healthy are Oranges?

Depending on the variety, oranges can contain up to 80 milligrams of vitamin C per 100-gram serving. In addition, oranges contain important minerals such as iron and phosphorus in significant quantities.

Studies have shown that the carotenes contained in oranges also help to prevent joint diseases, and are also beneficial for vision, skin, and cell protection.

Since oranges are also practically fat-free and contain relatively few calories per serving, they are also a healthy treat for dieters.

Calories 42
Protein 1 g
Fat 0.2 g
Carbohydrates 8.3 g
Fiber 1.6 g

Shopping and Cooking Tips


Make sure the orange skin is unbruised and firm to the touch. If you're purchasing oranges for juicing, look out for special juicing varieties at the supermarket. Navel and Navelina oranges are particularly delicious and common types for eating, not juicing.

Standard orange peels are often treated with artificial wax to keep them fresh for longer. If you're using the peel from the orange, make sure to buy an organic variety. 


Oranges do not ripen after the harvest, so long storage doesn't enhance flavor but does deplete vitamins and juiciness. If you want to store your oranges for a few days, the best place is in the refrigerator or in a cool part of your pantry. 


If you want to squeeze oranges, you only have to cut them in half. If, on the other hand, you want to cut the flesh into slices or cubes, a little more effort is required. Above all, the peel must come off. The easiest way to do this is to peel oranges in a spiral like an apple and then cut them in half.

What to Make With Oranges

Oranges give sweet and savory foods vitamins and flavor and go with a wide variety of recipes. Everyone knows and loves culinary classics like duck with orange, orange chicken, crepes Suzette, or orange sorbet. Fresh orange juice is a must-have for breakfast, and oranges play a vital role in most fruit salads.  

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