Bok Choy

Updated on 22. Apr. 2020
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​This green-white cabbage is truly delicious and nutritious to boot, not to mention a breeze to prepare and cook with. 

Bok Choy

Bok Choy…

  • a good source of vitamin C.
    Bok choy doesn't contain as much vitamin C as other types of cabbage, but with 25 milligrams per 100 gram serving it still provides a quarter of the recommended daily allowance.
  • ...helps protect your cells.
    Bok choy has a high content of secondary plant compounds like flavonoids, chlorophyll, indoles and phenols. These substances can protect the body cells from pathogenic influences and thus help to delay aging.
  • good for pregnant women.
    Bok choy contains a lot of folic acid, which is especially good for expectant mothers as it can help protect the unborn child against deformities.
  • easy to digest.
    Unlike many other types of cabbages, bok choy is easily digestible and well-tolerated even by sensitive stomachs.
  • ...contains vitamin A.
    Like green leafy vegetables in general, bok choy contains a considerable amount of beta-carotene, which promotes vision (especially in the dark) and supports healthy skin and mucous membranes.
  • ...strengthens the immune system.
    The mustard oils contained in bok choy stimulate the immune system and thus can help prevent infectious diseases.
  • most nutritious when eaten raw.
    You can always steam bok choy or fry it in a wok, however bok choy is at its most nutritious when consumed raw in a salad or smoothie.


What You Should Know About Bok Choy

Until about 20 years ago, bok choy was almost exclusively consumed in Asian countries like China and Thailand. Increasingly however, bok choy has become popular in the United States.


Bok choy originates from Asia. In China, Korea and Japan this vegetable, which botanically is closely related to Chinese cabbage, has been an integral part of diets for years.


Since bok choy grows both in the field and in the greenhouse, you can buy it year round.


Bok choy stalks are reminiscent of Chinese cabbage in taste, but slightly more flavorful. The green leaves taste similarly to cabbage.


There are a few different kinds of bok choy in Asia, including smaller and different colored varieties. Baby bok choy and Shanghai bok choy for instance are much smaller and more tender than traditional bok choy.

How Healthy is Bok Choy?

Bok choy has a considerable amount of vitamin C-- a 100 gram serving contains a quarter of your recommended daily intake. It also contains B vitamins (especially folic acid), iron and calcium. Like all green vegetables, bok choy leaves also contain a substantial amount of beta-carotene or vitamin A. Bok choy contains virtually not fat and very little calories.

Bok Choy Nutritional Info (100 g)  
Calories 12
Protein 1 g
Fat 0.5 g
Carbohydrates 1 g
Fiber 1 g

Shopping and Cooking Tips for Bok Choy


Look for fresh, bright green and crisp leaves that look juicy and have no brown spots.


Bok choy tastes fresh and crisp in the refrigerator for 1-2 days. Wrap it in a damp kitchen towel like asparagus and place it in a plastic bag with a few small air holes.


Bok choy is easy to prepare: simply remove the outer leaves, cut off the stem, wash the head well under running water and drain thoroughly. You can also spin dry the individual leaves and stems in the salad spinner. 

What To Make With Bok Choy

Bok choy is delicious raw, steamed, cooked or even fried. However you prepare it though, remember to keep the cooking time as short as possible, otherwise bok choy will lose its color and crispness. With its considerable nutrients and crunchy, spicy taste, bok choy is perfect for vegetarian cuisine with an Asian flair

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